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Digital Heritage <BR>International Congress 2013

lundi 8 avril 2013

Fall 2013 will witness the largest international scientific event on digital heritage in history, bringing together hundreds of researchers, educators, scientists, industry professionals and policy makers to debate, discuss and present digital technology applied to the protection, documentation, and understanding of humanity’s shared heritage. For the first time ever, under the patronage of UNESCO, the leading scientific and industry events from across the digital and heritage spheres will join together under one roof to explore the state-of-the-art and address future emerging research scenarios. Organized by CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with local research institutions Provence (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and INRIA), the Congress will be held in Marseille, France, the 2013 European Capital of Culture. The venue will be Marseille’s architecturally stunning new waterfront museum complex (the restored Fort Saint-Jean and adjoining new MuCEM and La Villa Mediterranée).

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