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XXIV International CIPA Symposium Strasbourg (France), 2-6 September, 2013

mercredi 3 avril 2013

XXIV International CIPA Symposium Strasbourg (France),
2-6 September, 2013

CALL for Papers or Abstracts. Deadline : April 10th, 2013

CIPA 2013 Scope : Recording, Documentation and Cooperation for Cultural Heritage

CIPA Heritage Documentation is a dynamic international organization that has twin
responsibilities : keeping up with technology and ensuring its usefulness for cultural
heritage conservation, education and dissemination. This dual role linking Culture and
Science is exhibited in our parent organizations - ICOMOS - International Council of
Monuments and Sites and - ISPRS - International Society of Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing.

CIPA accomplish these two sometimes conflicting goals in a variety of ways
( CIPA’s bi-annual congress provides a platform for the exchange
of ideas, best practices as well as scientific research papers. We wish to celebrate our
45th anniversary in Strasbourg, France at our XXIVth International Symposium. The
CIPA symposium 2013 will be a unique opportunity to listen to key figures in cultural
heritage documentation and conservation from around the world.

The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural
Property (ICCROM) will be represented by Dr. Stefano De Caro, who is the Director
General of this important intergovernmental organization (, Dr. De
Caro’s presentation will underline the need for training in the field of conservation and
the key role of documentation.
Dr. Fabio Remondino, ISPRS Commission 5 President, will give a keynote about
developments and technology advances for 3D recording and modeling cultural heritage.

From industry, Ramtin Attar, Principal Research Scientist, CTO- Autodesk Research
(Canada) will contribute with an overview of the latest development of information
technology that could assist conservation experts in documenting our endangered
heritage resources around the world.

Furthermore, the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) will present ARCHES, A System
Supporting Heritage Inventory and Management, which has been developed by GCI and
World Monuments Fund (WMF) to provide the international heritage field with a purpose-
built, web-based GIS to help inventory and manage immovable heritage.

Along with these keynote speeches, important ICOMOS International Scientific
committees have joined CIPA to organize joint sessions. For this reason a session on
Energy Efficiency in Heritage Buildings will be chaired by Peter Cox, president of this
committee. This activity will be an opportunity to explore tools supporting the
assessment of performance in this important area. Moreover, the committee on Risk

Preparedness and the Stone Conservation committee will also provide a platform to
evaluate the role of documentation tools for the mitigation of risk to cultural properties
and the conservation of stone monuments. Finally, a documentation of World Heritage
Sites will be jointly organized with the collaboration of the International Association of
World Heritage Professionals.

CIPA 2013 will not only be a technology platform to learn about heritage documentation
best practices and research, but also a unique opportunity to learn about key initiatives
around the world.
Consider submitting either a scientific paper for peer review or a practical project paper.

CALL for Full Papers :

Submission of Full Papers for peer-review before April 10th, 2013.

June 15th : reviews will be sent to the authors

July 15th : full reviewed papers upload

Accepted peer-reviewed papers will be published in the CIPA/ISPRS Annals.

CALL for Abstracts :

Submission of abstracts (Approx. 500 words) before April 10th, 2013.

May 15th : notification of paper acceptance (oral or poster)

July 1st : project papers upload

Accepted project papers will be published in the CIPA/ISPRS Archives.

At least one author per paper must be registered before July 15th
(submissions are limited to one paper per corresponding author).

Online registration will be opened on 18 March 2013.

CIPA 2013 Sessions :

Special Sessions :
SS1. Energy Efficiency in Heritage and Traditional Buildings
SS2. Risk Preparedness
SS3. Stone Conservation
SS4. Documentation of World Heritage Sites
SS5. International Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Documentation
SS6. Semantic in Cultural Heritage Documentation
SS7. 4D historical city models

SS8. 3D Digital Libraries
SS9. Joint session with the Charter of London on visualization of Heritage
SS10. Digital Heritage Inventories
SS11. CIPA Sustaining Members

Sessions on Recording Cultural Heritage
SR1. Terrestrial laser scanning and 3D imaging
SR2. Aerial laser scanning and 3D imaging
SR3. Low-cost sensors and open-source algorithms
SR4. UAV applications
SR5. Mobile Mapping Applications
SR6. Recording with 3D cameras
SR7. Other appropriate recording applications

Sessions on GIS and information management for Cultural Heritage
SG1. Open-source GIS tools and applications
SG2. Scene analysis and 3D reconstruction
SG3. Applications of BIM
SG4. Modelling methods for architecture and archaeology
SG5. Animations
SG6. Cloud and Cultural Heritage

Sessions on Education, Training and Communication for Cultural Heritage
SE. Education
ST. Training
SC. Communication

We cordially invite you to get to know CIPA and attend our symposium.

Mario Santana, CIPA President

Prof. Pierre Grussenmeyer, Symposium Director

INSA Graduate School of Science and Technology
ICube Laboratory UMR 7357
Photogrammetry and Geomatics Group
24, Boulevard de la Victoire
Phone/fax : +33.388.14.47.33
Mobile : +33.626.41.50.31
E-mail :
Skype_Id : Topogruss

XXIV International CIPA - Pdf
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