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HEIL Natasha

Bioinspired, biobased and living material designs : a review of recent research in architecture and construction

Juillet 2023

The article provides an overview of recent advances in the development of three type of nature-based material designs in architecture and construction fields : : bioinspired, biobased and living building materials.
Natasha Chayaamor-Heil et al 2023, Bioinspired, biobased and living material designs : a review of recent research in architecture and construction, Bioinspir. Biomim. 18 041001, DOI 10.1088/1748-3190/acd82e

The article provides an overview of recent advances in the development of three type of nature-based material designs in architecture and construction fields : : bioinspired, biobased and living building materials. In conclusion, an outlook of promising avenues for future interdisciplinary research and specific questions associated with methods and techniques of implementation of the different types of bioinspired, biobased and living material designs and fabrications in architecture are highlighted.

Citation :
Natasha Chayaamor-Heil et al 2023, Bioinspired, biobased and living material designs : a review of recent research in architecture and construction, Bioinspir. Biomim. 18 041001, DOI 10.1088/1748-3190/acd82e

Voir en ligne : Bioinspiration & Biomimetics IOPScience

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